Purchase Regulations
Where to Purchase California Code of Regulations, Title 24.
The 2022 California Building Standards Code (Parts 1-12) may be purchased through the following publishers:
International Code Council (ICC)
Online store: shop.iccsafe.org/
Email: order@iccsafe.org or ecodes@iccsafe.org
Telephone: ICC Store (800) 786-4452
International Association of Plumbing and Mechanical Officials (IAPMO)
Online store: www.iapmomembership.org
Email: publications@iapmo.org
Telephone: (909) 472-4208
National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) / BNi Books
Online store: www.bnibooks.com
Telephone: (888) 264-2665
Current and past Guides to the California Green Building Standards Code: Residential can be purchased through the International Code Council (ICC).
International Code Council (ICC)
Online store: shop.iccsafe.org , search "Guide to California Green Building Standards Code"
Email: order@iccsafe.org or ecodes@iccsafe.org
Telephone: ICC Store (800) 786-4452