Mobilehome Park Maintenance Inspections

HCD conducts Mobilehome Park Maintenance (MPM) inspections, Health and Safety Code section 18400.1, to ensure compliance with health and safety laws. Inspections include the general areas, buildings, equipment, and utility systems of mobilehome parks, each individual lot, and the exterior portions of individual manufactured homes and mobilehomes in each park inspected.

When a "Notice of Planned Inspection" has been posted in a conspicuous location within the mobilehome park, the inspection will be conducted within 30 to 60 days of the "date posted" shown on the Notice of Planned Inspection. At least 30 days prior to the inspection of the mobilehome park, an individual written notice of the inspection will be provided to each resident.

The resources below provide additional, detailed information regarding inspections, violations, and code requirements. The booklets and video are designed to help park owners, operators, and residents living in a park that has been selected prepare for the MPM inspection.

The videos below were designed to assist mobilehome park residents and owners prepare for an MPM inspection and point out common violations discovered.

Mobilehome Park Maintenance Inspection Assistance - English

Mobilehome Park Maintenance Inspection Assistance - Spanish

California Health and Safety Code section 18400.3 requires HCD to convene a task force of representatives of mobilehome owners, mobilehome park operators, local enforcement agencies that conduct mobilehome park inspections, and the Legislature, every six months, to provide input to HCD on the conduct and operation of the mobilehome park maintenance inspection program.

September 13, 2024 Task Force Meeting

March 15, 2024 Task Force Meeting

September 15, 2023 Task Force Meeting

The California State Auditor performed an evaluation of the California Department of Housing and Community Development’s Mobilehome Park Maintenance inspection process in July 2020.

The results report provided a list of recommendations for the Program. To better protect the health and safety of mobilehome park residents and owners, the Department has already implemented many of the report recommendations. Some of these actions include visiting a wider variety of mobilehome parks, improved consistency in inspections, and better communication with parks owners, management, and residents.

For more information on the recommendations and the actions taken by the Department, please see below.

To view the audit results, please visit: