Infill Infrastructure Grant Program

The objective of the IIG program is to promote infill housing development by providing financial assistance for Capital Improvement Projects that are an integral part of, or necessary to facilitate the development of affordable and mixed income housing.

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Application, General Program, and Standard Agreements Questions


The Infill Infrastructure Grant Program is pleased to announce the release of the Infill Infrastructure Grant Program of 2019 Guidelines and Notice of Funding Availability for Qualifying Infill Project Small Jurisdiction.

Pre-application consultations are available prior to electronic submission of Application materials as specified in the August 31, 2023 NOFA Memorandum. Complete the information in the link below prior to consultation scheduling:

IIG-2019 NOFA Webinar — Coming soon!

The Infill Infrastructure Grant Program is pleased to announce the release of the Infill Infrastructure Grant Program of 2019 Guidelines and Notice of Funding Availability for Qualifying Infill Project Small Jurisdiction.

Pre-application consultations are available prior to electronic submission of Application materials as specified in the August 31, 2023 NOFA Memorandum. Complete the information in the link below prior to consultation scheduling:

IIG-2019 NOFA Webinar — Coming soon!
