Park Operation

Mobilehome and special occupancy (RV) parks are required to have an active Permit to operate and collect rent from residents.

Information Bulletins provide additional helpful information about park operation. Check for new bulletins periodically.

Note: You can now renew or amend your permit to operate online using Codes and Standards Online Services (C&S OS). Please login or create an account.


A park must secure a permit to operate prior to operating a mobilehome park. The park owner is subject to penalties for failure to submit a permit application, form HCD MP 500 (PDF) more than 30 days after the due date.

Permit to Operate applications, amendments, and related fees (PTO fees, penalties, change of operator, etc.) can be submitted online using HCD’s C&S Online Services. You must have a DTN or park ID and a park zip code to submit an application or make a payment online. This information can be found on your billing summary or by contacting a program representative. Please contact the Permit to Operate desk at or (800) 952-8356 for more details.

Entities acting as the owner/operator of a park are required to be registered with the California Secretary of State. Individuals acting as the owner/operator of a park are required to submit a completed Application for State Public Benefits, HCD Benefits Status Form 1 (PDF) and accompanying documentation, proof of ownership documentation, and a $13.00 processing fee.

Annual submission of the Private Fire Hydrant Test and Certification Report, form HCD MP 532 (PDF) is required to obtain a permit to operate. All parks must submit this form annually, even parks without fire hydrants or water methods. The public may contact the Permit to Operate desk at or (800) 952-8356 to obtain additional information concerning fire hydrant certification.

Park management must develop an Emergency Preparedness Plan (EPP) to inform residents about what to do in preparation for and in the event of an emergency. The booklet, Emergency Plans for Mobilehome Parks is a guide for preparation of a plan. The EPP is required in order to receive a permit to operate.

Planes de Emergencia para Parques de Casas Móviles, Parte II: Guía de planificación de preparación para desastres dirigida a dueños o residentes de parques de casas móviles (PDF).

To help you prepare or correct your EPP, view the Mobilehome and Special Occupancy Park Disaster Emergency Preparedness Plan Completeness Checklist (PDF).

If you have any questions about the EPP, please contact the Department at or (800) 952-8356.

Senate Bill 869 [] (SB 869) established the Mobilehome and Recreational Vehicle Park Manager Training Act (Act) and the Park Manager Training Program (Program) within HCD. The Act requires that HCD develop Program regulations by May 1, 2025. The Program will oversee that at least one manager for each mobilehome park and recreational vehicle park receives specified training and examination to carry out their management role by May 1, 2026, or within one year of the individual’s hiring date, whichever occurs later. The requirement applies to all mobilehome parks and recreational vehicle parks within California and there are specified exemptions within the Act. Program regulations are under development and will be posted once approved by the Office of Administrative Law.

Please include your Park ID number on all payments, documents, and correspondence submitted to the Department. Your Park ID number can be found on your permit to operate, annual invoice, and other PTO related documents. You may also look up your Park ID number using HCD’s online services park search.

HCD’s online services park search provides the following information for mobilehome and RV parks throughout California:

  • Park name
  • Park address
  • Fire authority
  • Jurisdiction
  • Number of mobilehome spaces
  • Number of RV lots with (and without) drains
  • Name of park operator

Park owners / operators that have experienced financial hardship as a result of the 2023/2024 winter storms, or other declared state of emergency may be eligible for a permit to operate (PTO) penalty fee waiver. Only PTO penalty fees are eligible, not annual permit to operate fees.

How to Apply

Mobilehome and special occupancy park owners and operators can apply for a PTO penalty fee waiver by submitting a letter or application to the enforcement agency with documentation supporting their inability to pay PTO penalty fees due to an economic hardship caused by the qualifying state or federal emergency.

Visit the Office of the Governor’s Newsroom to determine if there is a qualifying state emergency in your area.

Visit Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Current Disasters to determine if there is a qualifying federal emergency in your area.

Supporting documentation and letter or application must be submitted within one year of the qualifying state or federal emergency and include:

  • Applicant’s name, address, phone number, and email (if applicable).
  • A statement explaining how the qualifying state or federal emergency has caused an economic hardship that prevents the applicant from paying the annual PTO fees on time.
  • Documentation supporting and confirming the applicant’s statement of economic hardship.
  • Supporting documentation may include, but is not limited to:
    • Tenant rent logs
    • Accounting records of rent not collected during the State of Emergency

Parks Under HCD’s Jurisdiction

For PTO penalty fee waiver requests under HCD’s jurisdiction, letters or applications and supporting documents may be submitted by:

  • Email:
  • Mail:
    • Penalty Fee Waiver Request
      Mobilehome and Special Occupancy Parks Programs
      P.O. Box 278180
      Sacramento, CA 95827-8180

Please note: Electronic requests may be processed faster than requests submitted by mail.

Parks Under Local Enforcement Agency’s Jurisdiction

For PTO penalty fee waiver requests for mobilehome or special occupancy parks under a local enforcement agency’s jurisdiction, please contact the local entity. Contact information for local enforcement agencies can be found using HCD’s online services park search.

If a mobilehome has been abandoned in a mobilehome park, the park owner may dispose of it without paying back taxes and registration. Refer to Information Bulletin 2015-07 (PDF) for additional information.