HOME American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP)
The HOME-ARP program allocated $131 million through various NOFAs to support developers, nonprofit service providers, and Tribal Entities in addressing homelessness and assisting vulnerable populations.
This funding includes opportunities for affordable housing development under the HOME-ARP Rental Housing NOFA, as well as initiatives for supportive services through the Housing Plus Support Program (HPSP) NOFA. These efforts aim to benefit individuals and families currently homeless or at risk, aligning with the program's mission to provide essential support and stability.
$16 million in funding is now available to organizations with extensive experience developing and operating transitional housing and permanent affordable housing for the reentry population. Reentry Housing Pilot Project (RHPP) funding can be used to acquire, rehabilitate, and/or construct permanent housing to assist the reentry population.
Click the Notice of Funding icon below to read more on the RHPP NOFA. Click on the Apply Now icon to apply.
To receive updates about the HOME-ARP Program please subscribe to the “Federal Programs” ListServ Subscribe (ca.gov).
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Reentry Housing Pilot Project NOFA Webinar
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Rental Housing NOFA Webinar
Video Presentation (YouTube)
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Tribal Only – Rental Housing – NOFA Webinar
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Video Presentation (YouTube)
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Reentry Housing Pilot Project NOFA Webinar
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Rental Housing NOFA Webinar
Video Presentation (YouTube)
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Tribal Only – Rental Housing – NOFA Webinar
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Video Presentation (YouTube)
PowerPoint Presentation (PDF)
Reporting & Compliance

Reporting & Compliance
Allocation Plan
The Home Investment Partnerships Program — American Rescue Plan Program (HOME-ARP) Allocation Plan (PDF) includes a summary of the consultation activities in developing the plan, a description of the qualified populations (QPs) within the state, an assessment of unmet needs and service gaps for the QPs, and a summary of the planned uses of the program funds for eligible activities.
HOME-ARP Reentry Housing Pilot Project (RHPP)
The HOME-ARP RHPP NOFA was released October 31, 2024. The application was open to owners and developers to build permanent affordable housing for the reentry population. RHPP funding will be utilized for acquisition, new construction, or rehabilitation. Funding could be structured as a Capital Loan or Grant and may be combined with a Capitalized Operating Subsidy Reserve (COSR) Grant. The total maximum amount of HOME-ARP funding is $16 million per project
- HOME-ARP RHPP Applications (PDF) — RHPP Applications will close on April 14, 2024, at 5:00 pm PST. New RHPP applications are currently being accepted.
HOME-ARP Rental Housing NOFA
The Rental Housing NOFA was released October 30, 2023 was open to developers, including Native American Entities, to build, create and retain affordable housing for eligible qualified populations. Funds will be used for acquisition, new construction, or rehabilitation in the form of a Capital Loan or Grant, Capitalized Operating Reserve Grant or both up to a maximum of $20 million.
- HOME-ARP Non-Tribal Applications (PDF) — Rental Housing Non-Tribal applications closed on February 12, 2024, at 5:05 pm PST. No new Non-Tribal applications will be accepted.
- HOME-ARP Tribal Applications (PDF) — Rental Housing Tribal applications closed on March 6, 2024, at 5:05 pm PST. No new Tribal applications will be accepted.
- 2023 HOME-ARP Rental Housing NOFA (PDF)
Housing Plus Support Program (HPSP) NOFA
The Housing Plus Support Program (HPSP) NOFA was released January 23, 2024, and was open to nonprofit organizations and tribal entities with established Housing First or rapid rehousing programs, organizations that worked with permanent housing projects, and not primarily transitional or temporary housing projects. Funds will be used for a variety of supportive services to support individuals or families who meet the definition of the HOME-ARP qualified populations.
- HPSP Non-Tribal Applications (PDF) — HPSP Non-Tribal Applications closed on April 12, 2024, at 5:05 pm PST. No new Non-Tribal applications will be accepted.
- HPSP Tribal Applications (PDF) — HPSP Tribal Applications closed on May 17, 2024, at 5:05 pm PST. No new Tribal applications will be accepted.
- 2024 HPSP NOFA (PDF)
Qualified Populations
Qualifying Populations for HOME-ARP funds include individuals and families who are:
- Experiencing homelessness
- At risk of becoming homeless
- Fleeing or attempting to flee domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, stalking or human trafficking
- At greatest risk of housing instability
- Needing supportive services or assistance would prevent homelessness
Eligible Activities
Based on the information obtained from the community survey, focus groups and community consultations, HOME-ARP elected to fund the following activities:
- Production or Preservation of Affordable Rental Housing
- Supportive Services, Homelessness Prevention Services, and Housing Counseling
Eligible Applicants
Eligible Applicants will be outlined in the HOME-ARP Rental Housing and HPSP NOFAs. Please refer to the timeline for release dates.
Resolution Templates
Payee Data Record
Other Application Forms
HUD Requirements for Use of HOME-ARP Funds
- HUD HOME-ARP Notice Review Webinar Series
- HUD HOME-ARP: Homeless System Overview Webinar
- HUD HOME-ARP and Project Homekey Overview Webinar
- HUD HOME-ARP: Planning Process Webinar
Frequently Asked Questions
- HOME-ARP Eligible Jurisdictions List (PDF)
- HOME-ARP Overview Sheet (PDF)
- HUD HOME-ARP Program Webpage
- HUD HOME-ARP Fact Sheets by Topic
- HUD HOME-ARP Allocation Plan Template
- HUD Exchange HOME-ARP Mailing List Sign-up
- HOME-ARP Rental Housing Regions (PDF)
- HOME-ARP Combined Multifamily Rehabilitation Standards (PDF)
Housing Plus Support Program (HPSP)
Through non-profit service providers and Tribal Entities, HPSP will support those who are homeless as well as those requiring homeless prevention services. See the eligibility tab for additional information on the qualified populations.
Supportive Services
An individual or family who meets the definition of the qualified population will develop a housing case plan with the support of the Housing Case Manager. The Housing Case Manager will help the individual or family determine which supportive services are needed to obtain and/or stabilize housing. The supportive services available include:
- Case Management
- Housing search and counseling services
- Financial Assistance Costs
- Security deposit
- First & last month’s rent
- Short- or medium-term rent support
- Rental application fees
- Utility deposits (gas, electric, water, and sewer)
- Utility payments – up to 6 months past due
- Moving costs
- Payment of past due rent – up to 6 months
- Life skills training
- Transportation
- Landlord/tenant liaison
- Mental health services
- Outpatient health services
- Substance abuse treatment services
- Education services
- Employment assistance and job training
- Food
- Legal services (for matters that interfere with obtaining or maintaining housing)
- Credit repair