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Third-Party Design Approval Agencies

Third-Party Design Approval Agencies

Third-party agencies (PDF) are certified by the Department of Housing and Community Development's (HCD's) Manufactured Housing Program staff to perform as a Design Approval Agency (DAA) and/or a Quality Assurance Agency (QAA), enforcing design and construction approval of commercial modulars (CMs), special purpose commercial modulars (SPCMs), and multifamily manufactured homes (MFMHs) designated for sale in California.

Third-party agencies, once approved, provide these services as a small business acting on behalf of HCD.

Procedures for Quality Assurance Agency

For CMs, SPCMs, and MFMHs, the following items are required when applying for a Third-Party Agency Certification Approval:

  • Required forms: Form HCD-MH 471 (PDF) is required for each person listed in the ownership structure.
  • Organizational Structure: An organizational chart listing the names and job classifications of all persons subject to approval.
  • List of California Engineer(s)/Architect(s) on DAA staff, including all staff, managers, supervisors, engineers, and architects who have not been previously approved by HCD.

Monthly Reporting

All third-party agencies are required to report monthly to HCD using form HCD-MH 473. The report is due by the 15th of each month. The report provides information on all the activities of the QAA currently under contract in that reporting month. The HCD-MH 473 must be sent with forms HCD-MH 441 and HCD-MH 442, which detail each manufacturer’s production for each unit type (CM, SPCM, MFMH, Factory-Built Housing). If there has been no activity or no production by one of your client manufacturers, enter each manufacturer’s name and write “No inspection/insignia issued this month” on form HCD-MH 473 adjacent to the manufacturer’s name. Refer to California Code of Regulations, title 25, chapter 3, section 4880 for more details.

For the Quality Assurance Inspector to inspect CMs, SPCMs, and MFMHs, the following items are required when applying for a Third-Party Inspector Approval:

Applicants' Requirements

A Quality Assurance Inspector 'Original' applicant must satisfy the following provisions of California Code of Regulations, title 25, chapter 3, section 4856:

  • Applicant shall possess the personal characteristics of tact, integrity, and a sense of authority.
  • Applicant shall demonstrate ability to follow detailed instructions and checklists that provide the criteria for construction, including both material and fabrication requirements.
  • Completion of a period of orientation and training for which the applicant performs the inspection function. This training shall be under the continuous direction of a supervisor fully qualified under this criterion.
  • Demonstrated ability to evaluate the results of well-defined or routine measurements or tests by reason of experience or familiarity with such measurements or tests.


  • Applicant must possess mathematical skills equivalent to those acquired through a high-school education.

Experience and Demonstrated Ability:

  • Applicant must have two year of experience in building construction, building code enforcement, or quality control inspection.
  • The applicant shall demonstrate an ability to inspect and monitor the quality control programs for compliance with approved plans, quality control manuals, and California law and regulations regarding mobilehomes, CMs, and SPCMs.
  • The applicant shall demonstrate an ability to prepare inspection reports describing observed violations, corrective action, and making appropriate references to the plans, quality control manuals, California law or regulations, and incorporated documents.

How to Submit Your Application

Submit your application, including all forms, documents, and fees to:
HCD-Manufactured Housing Program 
P.O. Box 278180
Sacramento, CA 95827

After approval of your third-party designation and prior to any work as a third-party agency, you must submit to HCD-Manufactured Housing Program a completed and signed form HCD MH/FBH 443 (PDF) and a copy of your contract for services or termination of your contract for services each time you perform those services or terminate the contract.


Manufactured Housing Program
(800) 952-8356

Third-party agencies (PDF) are certified by Factory-Built Housing Program staff to perform as a DAA and/or a QAA, enforcing design and construction approval of factory-built housing designated for sale in California.  Third-party agencies, once approved, provide these services as businesses acting on behalf of HCD.

In order to qualify as a third-party agency, you must complete the Design Approval Agency and/or Quality Assurance Agency Certification Application (PDF) required of all new or renewal applications and submit all required documents listed on the form. 

When acting on behalf of HCD as a third-party agency, you must execute a Notice of Third-Party Contract or Contract Termination (PDF) at the time of the inspection services and upon termination of the contract and send a copy to HCD no later than ten days after the effective date of the contract or termination of the contract.
