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HCD Memos

HCD Memos

HCD MemorandumPublish DateApplicable Statutory Citation
Housing Element Compliance Memo (PDF)March 16, 2023Gov. Code, § 65585, subds. (b)(1), (b)(3), (d), (e), (f)(1), (f)(2), (g), (h)
Local Planning and Approval for Emergency Shelters Requirements Update (AB 2339) (PDF)January 04, 2023GC § 65583 (a)(4)
Group Home Technical Advisory 2022 (PDF)December 19, 2022GC § 65585, subd. (a)
HSC §§ 50152, 50406, subds. (e),(n), 50456, subd. (a), 50459, subd. (a)
Senate Bill 9 Fact Sheet (SB 9) (PDF)September 2024GC § 65852.21 and GC § 66411.7
Default Density Standard Option (2020 Census Update) (PDF)March 21, 2022GC § 65583.2
AFFH Guidance Memo (AB 686) (PDF)April 27, 2021GC § 8899.50, 65583(c)(10), 65583.2(a)
Housing Accountability Act Technical Assistance Advisory (AB 678, AB 1515, AB 3194, SB 330) (PDF)September 15, 2020GC § 65589.5
Housing Element Sites Inventory Guidebook (AB 1397, AB 1486, AB 686, SB 6) (PDF)June 10, 2020GC § 65583.2
Summary of Requirements in Housing Element Law (AB 686) (PDF)April 23, 2020GC § 8899.50, 65583(c)(5), 65583(c)(10), 65583.2(a)
Accessory Dwelling Unit and Junior Accessory Dwelling Units (SB 13, AB 68, AB 881, AB 670, AB 671 and AB 587) (PDF)January 10, 2020GC § 65852.2, 65852.22, 65852.26, 65583, HSC § 17980.12, 50504.5 and CC § 4751
Rental Inclusionary Housing Ordinances (AB 1505) (PDF)October 21, 2019GC § 65850
No Net Loss Law (SB 166) (PDF)October 2, 2019GC § 65863
Accessory Dwelling Unit Legislation (SB 229 & AB 494) (PDF)May 29, 2018GC § 65852.2
Housing Element Updates and the 2014 San Joaquin Valley Fair Housing and Equity Assessment (PDF)February 9, 2015GC § - 65583
Transitional and Supportive Housing (SB 745) (PDF)April 24, 2014GC § - 65582
Alternative Adequate Sites Amendments (SB 720, AB 1103, and AB 1867) (PDF)August 24, 2012GC §
65582(h) and (i);
65583(a)(8); and
Persons with Developmental Disabilities (SB 812) (PDF)June 21, 2012GC § 65583(a)(7)
Default Density Standard Option (2010 Census Update) (PDF)June 20, 2012GC § 65583.2(c)(3)(B)
Local Planning and Approval for Emergency Shelters and Transitional and Supportive Housing (SB 2) (PDF)Updated: April 10, 2013
May 7, 2008
GC § 65589.5
Rezoning Deadlines for Jurisdictions That Failed to Make Sites Available in Prior Planning Period (AB 1233) (PDF)June 20, 2007GC § 65584.09
Inventory and Suitability of Sites/Default Densities (AB 2348) (PDF) Inventory and suitability of sites/default densitiesJune 9, 2005GC § 65583
Housing Element Legislation (SB 520) (PDF)January 1, 2002GC § 65008