Housing Leaders Gather at Housing California Conference

2024 Housing California Conference
HCD Director Gustavo Velasquez joined community and housing leaders at the 2024 Housing California Conference. More than 2,000 attendees gathered for workshops, plenary sessions, learning labs, and roundtables to discuss the challenges and innovative solutions to end homelessness, increase affordable housing, and advance housing justice.
Director Velasquez joined several panels in which he spoke on the progress California has made in addressing the housing crisis and the work HCD is doing every day to further the mission of ensuring all Californians have access to safe, affordable homes in sustainable, inclusive, and vibrant communities. He discussed the importance of equity, undoing the historic patterns of segregation, and HCD’s commitment to affirmatively furthering fair housing.
Other topics discussed at the conference included preserving affordable homes, sustaining supportive housing, affordable housing financing, and the importance of cross-sector and public-private partnerships in meeting housing and homelessness needs.
Watch the video below for some highlights from the conference.