Information for Tribal Entities

California Tribes and Tribally Designated Housing Entities (TDHEs) are encouraged to apply and utilize many state and federal grant programs administered by HCD.

California Assembly Bill (AB) 1010 established the G. David Singleton California Indian Assistance Program (CIAP) to provide comprehensive technical assistance to Native American Tribes and TDHEs throughout the funding process. The goal of the program is to provide technical assistance and the tools and resources needed to support Tribes when applying for HCD grants California Indian Assistance Program (PDF).

The HCD Environmental Services Team is honored to support Tribal applicants through the environmental review process.  The HCD Environmental Services Team can either assist the Tribal applicant with preparing portions of the necessary environmental documents or prepare them in full on behalf of the Tribal applicant.  Environmental technical assistance can be provided to tailor and meet the Tribal applicant’s needs.  Tribal applicants are encouraged to apply for grants and seek assistance.  

If a Tribal entity would like help from HCD with their environmental review, they can email or call us on one of the following:

Kirsten Larsen 
(916) 776-7745

Michael McHenry 
(916) 776-7714

HCD’s Tribal Affairs Team

HCD’s Tribal Liaison: Mary Lindeblad-Fry