Environmental Review Resources

Here is a collection of resources pertaining to Environmental Review, including website links and reference documents.

HUD Trainings 
HUD Trainings can be found on the Web-Based Instructional System for Environmental Review (WISER) - HUD Exchange and their HUD Exchange YouTube channel.

Environmental Review Federal Related Laws and Authorities - HUD Exchange
This webpage categorizes Related Federal Laws and Authorities by topic and provides HUD guidance for environmental review on each category.

NEPAssist | US EPA
NEPAssist is a tool that facilitates the environmental review process and project planning in relation to environmental considerations.

FEMA Flood Map Service Center
Use the FEMA Flood Map Service Center to find your official flood map, access a range of other flood hazard products, and take advantage of tools for better understanding flood risk.

Environmental Review - HUD Exchange 
The HUD Exchange website provides resources and assistance on completing environmental reviews including explanations for all environmental review requirements.

Endangered Species | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) 
The USFWS Endangered Species webpage allows users to obtain lists of endangered species and/or critical habitats in the area of their project and offers step by step assistance with the consultation process.

California Office of Historic Preservation 
This website provides listings of historically significant California properties and assists federal, state, and local agencies with programs or projects ensuring they comply with federal and state historic preservation laws.

California Native American Heritage Commission (NAHC) 
The NAHC website assists with California Native American Tribal consultation and provides guidance on protecting and preserving Tribal resources in accordance with laws and regulations. The California Tribal Consultation Form must be completed and sent to the NAHC to request consultation for your proposed project.

National Wetlands Inventory | U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service 
The National Wetlands Inventory can be used to access maps and data on American wetland and deep-water habitats to support decision making for proposed projects.

California Coastal Commission Coastal Zone Maps 
These maps can be used to determine if a project location falls in a California Coastal Zone.

CEQA Guidelines - Office of Planning and Research 
The CEQA Guidelines explain how to determine whether an activity is subject to environmental review, what steps are involved in the environmental review process, and the required content of environmental documents.