Emergency Housing and Assistance Program Capital Development (EHAPCD)

Fund capital development activities for emergency shelters, transitional housing, and safe havens that provide shelter and supportive services for homeless individuals and families.

Assistance Type and Terms

Deferred payment loans at three (3) percent simple interest, forgiven following completion of compliance with the terms of the Standard Agreement and Regulatory Agreement. Term ranges from five to 10 years based on the development activity. Eighty (80) percent of the total allocation is available to urban counties, and 20 percent to non-urban counties.

Eligible Activities

Acquiring, constructing, converting, expanding, and/or rehabilitating emergency shelter, transitional housing, and/or safe haven housing and administration of the award (limited to 5 percent).

Eligible Applicants

Local government agencies and nonprofit corporations that shelter the homeless on an emergency or transitional basis, and provide support services.

Additional HCD Homeless Funding Sources


Contact Honey Lum for assistance at (916) 263-6119 or via e-mail at honey.lum@hcd.ca.gov.