Application Attachment F Benefit-Cost Analysis
HCD and Tuolumne County won NDR funds to help the County rebuild from the 2013 Rim Fire. NDR funds three pillars to increase resiliency and provide the nation with best wildfire recovery practices.
Biomass Removal
Green Infrastructure Restoration and Reforestation
- FOREST - USFS - Fire Noxious Weed Removal - 2,250,560 (PDF)
- USFS reforestation (PDF)
- FOREST - USFS - Range Project 2 - Range Infrastructure - 724,150 (PDF)
- FOREST - USFS - Range Project 1 Infrastructure - 1,006,350 - FENCES TROUGHS (PDF)
Strategic Fuel Breaks
- Fuel Break -Rim Contingency Line (fuel break) (PDF)
- Fuel Break Hwy 108 North (fuel break) (PDF)
- Fuel Break - Corcoran Rim Truck Trail (fuel break) (PDF)
- SWIFT Fuel Break - Rim Truck Trail (east) (PDF)
- SWIFT Fuel Break - wagner_201508311908 (PDF)
- FUEL BREAK - USFS - Rim Footprint (PDF)
- FUEL BREAK - USFS - Long Shanahan (PDF)
- AW article PCAPCD 20120321 (PDF)
- SB1122 One Pager Category 3 20150924 (PDF)
- NREL Report Value of Biomass Power-Morris 1999 (PDF)
- MSFSC Feedstock Avail Analysis Report 20150827 final (PDF)
- CHIPS Prel D+E Final Report 20141206 (PDF)
- CHIPS Feasibility Study Report Updated 20130404 (PDF)