Disaster Grant Administration & Reporting

CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT funds to rebuild areas impacted by Presidentially declared disasters are regulated by grant administration rules and reporting requirements pertaining to their expenditures.

In This Section

Please Note: These documents have been remediated with regard to accessibility in order to meet applicable State law. As a result of the remediation process, the appearance of the document may be slightly different than the original executed hard copy, however, remediation does not and will not change any verbiage of the signed agreement, so the version posted on this website is identical in deliverables, milestones, terms, and conditions to the non-remediated version. Should an electronic scanned copy of the original executed document be needed, please send your request to us at the following email address: DisasterRecovery@hcd.ca.gov.

CDBG-DR Procurement and Contracts

Current Procurement Status

Procurement TitleProcurement TypePost DateClose DateLink to solicitation listingStatus
CDBG-MIT Action PlanRFP7/17/197/31/2019RFP - 2018 CDBG-DR Mitigation Action Plan (PDF)RFP is closed
CDBG-DR Full-Service Construction Management and Delivery – Am 1 10/09/2020RFP9/2/202010/14/2020     
Visit websiteRFP is closed
CDBG-DR Housing Counseling ServicesNOFA11/23/202112/21/2021Visit websiteNOFA is closed

CDBG-DR Contracts

A. Contractor     
B. DUNS     
C. Contract     
D. Contract     
E. Total     
F. Amount of     
MB3, Inc.02101967410/29/201910/31/2022$13,643,173.00$13,643,173.00
ContractCDBG-DR Prime Grant Management Services (PDF)     
Amendment 1 (PDF)     
Amendment 2 (PDF)     
Amendment 3 (PDF)    
Amendment 4 (PDF)    
Amendment 5 (PDF)
Procured by:HCD
MB3, Inc.0210196749/24/20199/23/2024$1,500,684.80$1,500,684.80
ContractOOR ITN - Standard Agreement (PDF)     
Amendment 1 (PDF)     
Amendment 2 (PDF)     
Amendment 3 (PDF)
Procured by:HCD/California Department of Technology (CDT).
Horne, LLP0750715485/28/20205/28/2025$17,514,770.40$17,514,770.40
ContractOOR Program Management Services (PDF)     
Amendment 1 (PDF)     
Amendment 2 (PDF)     
Amendment 3 (PDF)
Procured by:HCD
SLSCo, Ltd. 6/21/20216/30/2025$269,018,241.00$269,018,241.00
ContractOOR Construction Management and Delivery Services (PDF)     
Amendment 1 (PDF)     
Amendment 2 (PDF) 
Procured by:HCD
Garden State Consumer Credit Counseling, Inc. dba Navicore Solutions 8/15/20222/1/2025$434,991.00$434,991.00
ContractOOR Program Housing Counseling Services Navicore (PDF)
Procured by:HCD
Catholic Charities of the Diocese of Santa Rosa. 8/1/20228/15/2025$267,742.00$267,742.00
ContractOOR Program Housing Counseling Services Catholic Charities (PDF)
Procured by:HCD
Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County 2/1/202311/1/2025$1,949,853.00$1,949,853.00
ContractOOR Program Housing Counseling Services NHSLA (PDF)
Procured by:HCD

CDBG-MIT Contracts

A. Contractor NameB. DUNS NumberC. Procured ByD.Contract Execution DateE. Contract End DateF. Total Contract AmountG. Amount of CDBG-NDR Funds
GCR, Inc.     
(GCR, Inc. is now known as MB3, Inc.)
ContractCDBG-MIT Prime Grant Management Services (PDF)

In administering CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT funds, the Disaster Recovery Branch must regularly report on its ongoing expenditure of these funds to HUD. 

CDBG-DR Quarterly Performance Reports – 2020 and 2021 Disasters

CDBG-DR Quarterly Performance Reports – 2018 Disasters 

CDBG-DR  Quarterly Performance Reports – 2017 Disasters 

CDBG-MIT Quarterly Performance Reports – 2017 and 2018 Disasters

CDBG-NDR Quarterly Performance Reports

CDBG - NDR Illustrated Quarterly Report Summary

CDBG-DR Expenditure Projections

The Disaster Recovery Branch regularly provides trainings to support its subrecipients in expending CDBG-DR and CDBG-MIT funds towards their projects and activities and adhering to regulations.



Financial Management Basics

Subrecipient Risk Assessment Questionnaire

Subrecipient Roles, Responsibilities and Requirements

Section 3

Indirect Costs